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  1. t4ms

    I Have a Confession to Make. It Was ALL About the MONEY

    Strawberries are always good value. One of the first videos I watched of Mark's was his one on lettuce (shoving a whole pile of seeds in a pot). Brilliant. It made growing lettuce affordable (from seed). I've only recently started having success raising lettuce seeds in punnets. In the...
  2. t4ms

    I Have a Confession to Make. It Was ALL About the MONEY

    Definitely. If you're dirt-poor and thinking that a veggie patch will be cost effective then the answer may well be 'no'. You're probably better off buying seasonal and re-thinking your diet/choices. For years I had a few pots and grew high value items like fresh herbs and lower value but...
  3. t4ms

    Herb & Spice Showcase Glad to be growing my own oregano!

    I'm a big fan of throwing out the rule book/cook book and just throwing together what you've got :)
  4. t4ms

    Herb & Spice Showcase Glad to be growing my own oregano!

    Oregano is very versatile and fantastic in climates where you can have a hungry gap (or those moments between harvests or if you haven't planned well and have feast/famine). When my garden was in its infancy I'd roam around picking all kinds of leaves to string together a salad and whole...
  5. t4ms

    Question Question: What veggies make bad companions and why?

    I agree! I now stick to pest-reduction companion planting because it's all too conflicting. Actually, that mainly boils down to planting one of my favourite plants, marigolds, everywhere :)
  6. t4ms

    Herb & Spice Showcase Glad to be growing my own oregano!

    Great video! Oregano is one of the easiest things to grow. It was one of the first things I potted in a rental and, being perennial, wonderfully cost-effective. It's one of those herbs you should never have to buy (along with 'street' rosemary!).
  7. t4ms

    Veg Showcase Starter Seedling Progress

    Even in colder regions of Oz, @Mandy Onderwater, citrus really suffers. I wanted a lemon tree in New England but I was advised that I could only manage one in a pot if I could move it to a very sheltered aspect (under an eave) during winter. I didn't bother. Getting some citrus is now high...
  8. t4ms

    Veg Showcase Rooftop garden build

    I'm interested in this too as I've been contemplating buying a couple of potato grow bags for indeterminates (I've got a small space which I'm prepping at the moment for determinates). I've got a patch of concrete that I can cover with pots but I'm wondering how messy this is going to get/how...
  9. t4ms

    Question Size of beds?

    This. Mark even did a video on it (I think it was part of biggest mistakes but I could be wrong). You definitely want it the right height too. I've got rectangular and L-shaped beds purchased ready-made and, if I'm honest, I prefer the L-shaped as I can reach everything (I have to walk around...
  10. t4ms

    Gardening Insect mesh yay or nay

    I've just removed my netting from my baby brassicas 😬 I purchased cauli/broccoli/cabbage seedlings from a supplier and netted them in a raised garden bed. The problem was that I imported a pest/pests with the seedlings and I had a lovely environment for them to thrive in as I had netted out...
  11. t4ms

    Growing in pots! Hi everyone :)

    Sounds like exactly the same problem I had in my raised beds. I had to do cheap and nasty to fill them and I also have a winter (lack of sun) problem. I've gotten approval to write an article about peeing in your patch (it's controversial so I wanted to sound out Mandy/Mark first) so you can...
  12. t4ms

    Garden Update - 5/15/22

    I'll add my two cents' worth. I haven't watched your video (I have flaky internet access) but I've seen your questions and had a look at the replies. I have been living in rental accommodation and moving a lot for over a decade (including long distance moves) and I've managed to maintain some...
  13. t4ms

    The most simple and effective slug and snail trap.

    What a great idea! This is a lot easier than a yeast trap and a lot cheaper than a beer trap. Everyone has an old black pot lying around somewhere and it's a great way to upcycle any pots past their prime.
  14. t4ms

    Newbie in the shoal haven

    Sounds great! I highly recommend a cardboard layer (or newspaper or anything that will decompose) to provide a buffer between your logs and your bought materials while everything decomposes. Also, it'll stop your expensive bought products from filling in the gaps between your logs and...
  15. t4ms

    Newbie in the shoal haven

    I'm sure it will be absolutely fine but just take care: I had to fill four raised beds pretty rapidly. What I did is foraged branches, leaves etc from the front of my property (I had...
  16. t4ms

    Growing in pots! Hi everyone :)

    That's usually a nitrogen problem. I've been peeing on mine and they are nice and healthy. I had a nitrogen problem in two of my raised beds and now everything is going gangbusters after I started the liquid fertiliser... :D Just watch it in pots. You can overdo it really easily.
  17. t4ms

    Gardening Garden box questions

    I have a similar problem to you. I've had to bulk up my raised garden beds with stuff I've foraged and which includes eucalyptus. I think it'll take the best part of this year to get the soil nice and sweet as I've had to use cheap potting mix which I've added compost etc to. I think (in my...
  18. t4ms

    Growing in pots! Hi everyone :)

    SNAP!! :D Until I joined the Diggers Club I bought all of my seeds from them. Now I split between the two. I bet we've got the same lavender seeds ;)
  19. t4ms

    Growing in pots! Hi everyone :)

    I did the same thing! :oops: Well, you can, technically just toss them in the garden... but have a read of this first: As you're in the sub-tropics I think you're going to have to put them in the...
  20. t4ms

    Growing in pots! Hi everyone :)

    You might have a humidity issue. One of the links I posted stated English lavender doesn't like humidity. My next *coughs* "adventure" is trying to grow lavender from seed. I bought some seeds not realising I had to plumb the depths of cold stratification. :eek:
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